Thursday, December 08, 2005

a healthy, timely dose ... of thought

I guess I've discovered (like many others are discovering) that a generous, thought-provoking address by Brian McLaren, either in a book, recorded audio, or live & in person, is a really good & needed thing every now and then.
As a strong example and reminder HERE's a recent address he gave at Princeton Seminary entitled _Mainline Theological Education & the Emerging Church_. The lecture focuses on how current "schools" are dealing with "emergent" ideas & people and McLaren gives some advice on how to continue to handle the "church emerging." It is insightful, generous (of course), humble, but also given with a real sense of importance.
It's just very good! I plan to post more of my thoughts on it later. For now, listen up!



Blogger Kim said...

Good stuff. Thanks for the link, s.o. I love the line about the mainline having a "power hangover" and the evangelicals having a "power buzz." Lots of good, thought provoking stuff here, as we've all come to expect from McLaren.

1:31 PM  

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