I was reading a cool daily devotion today. But, it's been a bit hard to enjoy daily devotions, ever since Rich Mullins shot them clear out of the water! In an interview or a talk or something (I don't quite remember which/what it was) he was discussing "real" spirituality. He made some great points about putting faith into action, while also very pointedly stating something to the effect of: "Spirituality goes way beyond reading Oswald Chambers for 15 minutes each day!"
ugh...it's been hard to enjoy _My Utmost for His Highest_ ever since!
Now, I don't take it too seriously, because if I were to give you a lengthy testimony (I'm talkin', if we discussed it for hours and hours), Oswald Chambers would be a unique part of my faith story. (And, for that matter, so would Rich.) But, I've always had a new challenge there each time I read a short, sweet, well-put daily devotional. I've known it must go further than that.
So, anyway, here I am today reading a devotional written by Rich's mentor, Brennan Manning. Isn't it ALL so ironic?!
I was really challenged (yes, from the 15 minute reading), so I thought I'd share it.
--August 12th "Dedication to Growth"--
Intensity of desire is of paramount importance. The Christian's dedication to his growth into higher consciousness is the single most important determinant of his spiritual development. Without an intense inner commitment, he is a dilettante playing spiritual games. When the peril of great price is the most treasured value in his life, and the grace of surrender is sought through Jesus the Liberator in perservering prayer, in sacramental healing, and in the healing power of the Christian community, the miracle of transparency, love, and oneness will unfold in his life. . . . It is God's will that we grow in holiness (1 Thess. 4:3), know the truth that makes us free (John 8:32), and rejoice with a joy that no one can take from us (John 16:22).
"you hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted;
you encourage them, and you listen to their cry."
-psalm 10:17