beautiful post labor day songs

Originally uploaded by thoseawake.
i hope to be again enjoying the most beautiful music i have ever heard live.
it looks like it might turn out to be a set of post Labor day songs. that's because Sigur Ros will be in Atlanta on Tuesday Sept. 6th (labor day is the 5th), and if that remains to be the closest show to me, then that's the one I will strive (with every fiber) to be at.
it's not clear if "amina" will be supporting Sigur Ros on the September dates ... but i hope so. they were great last time. i've been listening to "Rachel's" and thinking about the sweetness of a few stringed instruments bellowing ...
while I'm on the subject, go to
and check out the "new song for h.c. andersen". something they recorded for a ballet. it's really great.
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