Tuesday, April 26, 2005

faith, doubt, and a new kind of christian

_The Last Word and the Word After that_
great book. get it, and think my friend!!
there is definitely something fresh and life-like about being relevant - not to match a crazy ignorant cultural sway, but to be real - here and now.
McLaren's fictional character Neil puts it like this:

"It's all about incarnation - about God entering and embracing our story. So if you want to abandon the story, if you want to get out of time and culture and into some timeless neutral zone above the fray, you're trying to get out of the very thing God is deeply into."

that moves.
and, it relates to some doctrine/foundational stances that want sooo bad to distance from cultural "incarnation." why not let the Word become _flesh_? i'm very glad McLaren fleshed out these bold ideas.

great book.


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