do what you "will"

crowned hold
Originally uploaded by thoseawake.
a good friend and I were discussing thinkers and their thinker-thinkings on life. he was teaching me that one guy (and many along with) have really focused on the "will." he said that "to will" is the ultimate reality, ultimate truth, the end. within the thinking is no good/bad, beautiful/disgraceful, right/wrong, just a will. and, everyone should exercise their will - that is all they can & should do. (see Nietzsche's Beyond Good & Evil)
the interesting thing is that my friend found the thinker's thinkings intriguing and maybe right, but as we talked we were both drawn to something else too. that is another (prob. long) story, but i can just say that I'm glad I was with friend who I know can see the beauty around and within. in that, he's a seer, and maybe that keeps him (like it does me) from believing there is no beauty and no good.
but, back to the "will." one thing I really like is just a focus on that word. talking of the will has escaped what it deserves with me. I don't talk about it enough. I somehow easily utter the phrase "I will go to a Good Friday service tonight" and don't recognize the WILL that part of that sentence and 2. is ALL (not just a part) of the meaning of the sentence. See? we talk of willing everyday. we -will- in everything we do. we do what we will.
I plan to think on this more. for now, I WILL stay awake and trust a crowned hold comes when we WILL be confused. today, good friday, is a reminder of what one man WILL do for each of us. what will we do with that?
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