Saturday, October 16, 2004

should we trust Aristotle?

i know i've friends who might say i should. i'd like to. he once said, "philosophy begins in wonder." i WANT to trust that! i do trust that.
i love that phrase because i know that any "philosophy" (however silly or simple or unclear) i have - it was born of wonder. right now, i'm diggin thoreau. that dig began & con10ues in wonder. it's remarkable that it was birthed by a surprised and inspired reading of a few passages ... and now ... well, i'm changing my diet (that's my life).
so, why change? why make any change, big or small?
it's not legalism, it's not to impress, it's not inforced or really even recommended by someone close...

i have philosophy & change & worship - because of wonder.
and it's only the beginning.



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