Friday, October 22, 2004

awake to the wrong thing

Okay, so this thing is called "awakening" ... pretty cheesy, I know.
but i have a question: (in the great sense in which i mean it - "i've never met a man who was fully awake; how could i look him in the face?") - can one be awake to the wrong thing?
i mean, can you have all the sensations of being awake and out of slumber and active and participatory and filled with momentum, but actually still be wrong? i don't know. maybe deep down i know i'm still not awake in some areas and so this whole question becomes scrutinized and objectable.

it's just that ... sometimes you push so hard, go so hard, try so hard - you feel awake. but again, there is failure and rejection and emptiness and utter confusion too. how can that be "awake"?
or then again, maybe you feel that way because there are sleepers all around who are snoring and speaking and even sleep-walking - they scare you and confuse you. you wish they would just sleep quietly or maybe, wake up.

but then again, again: are you even awake?

i'm gonna sleep on it...



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