Tuesday, January 04, 2005

2005 & the world we will see

Welcome to 2005. Welcome to the New Year. ... he said to himself.

A major tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean on Christmas day, and many many people have lost where they live, and many many people have lost their lives. A British paper is asking, in response to the world aid that has gone to the places in need, "could the tsunami disaster be a turning point for the world?". http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/this_britain/story.jsp?story=597488
This is a major question, because it hints toward even the possibility that rich upper-middle class people could begin to care about the poor and not just give money every now and then, but actually change their own lifestyle for the poor's benefit. I'm not saying it will happen this year, but if anyone is even considering it, that is a step forward. Some thinkers wonder if/when consumerism will die as a leading way of life on earth. Perhaps it will ... perhaps it will begin with individuals (like myself) struggling to make that a reality in their own lives.

Lord, Jesus, friend of sinners and lover of the poor, we need you.

in 2005,
